Filament10mo ago

Class "Filament\Forms\Components\TextArea" not found on production

When my application is deployed, I get the Class "Filament\Forms\Components\TextArea" not found on production. What can I do about this?
I fixed the problem already. Somehow locally it doenst recognize capitalization in class names. In this case the problem was TextArea, that should've been Textarea. Do you know why on production this is being recognized as a mistake, but locally it doesn't?
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4 Replies
John10mo ago
Did you composer install on the production server?
Bryan10mo ago
I fixed the problem already. Somehow locally it doenst recognize capitalization in class names. In this case the problem was TextArea, that should've been Textarea. Do you know why on production this is being recognized as a mistake, but locally it doesn't?
John10mo ago
It has to do with the case sensitivity of the OS. I believe on Mac it won't complain if the case doen't match. But on Windows and Linux it will.
Bryan10mo ago
Alright, good to know!