Making a column only allow letters and characters, including capitals

I am using Yup for my validation on the client side. For example the username field does this:
.matches(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, 'Username can only contain letters and numbers')
.matches(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, 'Username can only contain letters and numbers')
My user schema on the drizzle side is:
username: varchar('username', { length: 20 }).unique().notNull(),
username: varchar('username', { length: 20 }).unique().notNull(),
Just wondering is there a way to add the regex to it? Thanks
2 Replies
Luxaritas2y ago
You could potentially use a CHECK constraint if you want it validated on a database level, though that's not currently implemented in drizzle directly If you're just looking for serverside validation though, typically you'd do that before you even make a request to your database (some frameworks provide a built-in way to do request validation, or you may chose to use zod or similar)
cobiteOP2y ago
Yeah i'm just validating it on the backend via yup, was just wondering if I could do it on the database side also. Thanks

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