Applying a Custom Tooltip to a Line Graph Widget
I am trying to apply a custom tooltip to a chart following the steps here
My options configuration
protected static ?array $options = [
'plugins' => [
'tooltip' => [
'callbacks' => [
'footer' => 'customFooter'
My custom footer function which is included in the blade file that the line graph is included as a livewire component
<script> const customFooter = (tooltipItems) => { let footerString = ''; tooltipItems.forEach(function(tooltipItem) { footerString = footerString.concat(": ", tooltipItem.parsed.y); }); return 'Footer: ' + footerString; }; </script> However I get the error in the attached file, the s.footer.apply is not a function
<script> const customFooter = (tooltipItems) => { let footerString = ''; tooltipItems.forEach(function(tooltipItem) { footerString = footerString.concat(": ", tooltipItem.parsed.y); }); return 'Footer: ' + footerString; }; </script> However I get the error in the attached file, the s.footer.apply is not a function
Custom Tooltip Content | Chart.js
Open source HTML5 Charts for your website
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