Opinions on tweed sport coat pattern/colors?

Hey y’all’s, I found this tweed sport coat online and was wondering if it would make a good introductory piece. Interestingly it also seems to have four pockets in the front which is not something I’ve seen before. Opinions appreciated!
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15 Replies
jfarrell4682y ago
Introductory in what sense? It doesn't look like a traditional tweed to me, but that's not necessarily a problem
Guatemalean Toupee
Well, mostly in the way that I don’t yet have any sport coats or more tailored clothes generally, and was wondering if this would be a good coat to start with. It not being traditional is totally fine though! I guess I’m mainly asking if it looks garish or obnoxious, I’m colorblind so it can be hard to tell sometimes
jfarrell4682y ago
I'm not sure it's a great place to start, but more because of the color. Navy or gray would be more typical A (non tweed) navy blazer is probably the safest place to start. If you want to start with tweed, maybe a gray herringbone. But I love the color and texture in that pic. What's the price for that jacket and how is it described? Also, how confident are you in the size and measurements?
Guatemalean Toupee
It’s $25! I’m not super sure on the measurements, I’ll have to remeasure some of the outerwear I have to make sure it’ll fit
jfarrell4682y ago
That's a good price, but also not that uncommon. There are a lot of inexpensive tweeds on eBay, so I wouldn't worry about passing on this one. Definitely figure out your size first, which might be tricky if you don't already have a blazer that fits you reasonably well
Guatemalean Toupee
I think I have one that does, it’s quite slim though. The main thing that I’m worried about with sizing is the shoulders 😬 Is having four pockets on a sports coat not too unusual a detail?
jfarrell4682y ago
Getting the shoulders right is important. Measure the shoulders, pit-to-pit and length on your jacket. I doubt a secondhand tweed will be too slim Does the listing show the measurements for the jacket?
Guatemalean Toupee
It does, which is nice. I’ll be comparing them to my own measurements later
jfarrell4682y ago
Definitely do that
Guatemalean Toupee
Would you know if older blazers have functional surgeon’s cuffs? It’d be more expensive to shorten the sleeves if that were the case right That’s something I could ask the seller though
jfarrell4682y ago
Dunno I kinda doubt it though.
Guatemalean Toupee
🤷🏻‍♂️. Well thanks for the help, I’ll probably buy it if I think it’ll fit me But it’s reassuring to know that I’m not missing out if it won’t 👍
gimp2y ago
Looks good to me. Surgeon cuffs are usually obvious in photos, though sometimes you have to ask the seller. $25 is a low gamble. Expect to spend more than that on tailoring though.
Guatemalean Toupee
Unfortunately I think it’s a little too big for me. The blazer that fits me best has 18” shoulders while these have 20” 😓
jfarrell4682y ago
Yeah, that will be much too large

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