Add spatie multi tenancy integration to filament v3 (Multiple database)

Hello, we have upgraded our project to filament v3 and we have multi tenancy integration with multi database (Landlord and tenants). The problem we have that we need to show tenant panel for the tenants and landlord panel to the landlord and we do that by checking the connection by using: Tenant::checkCurrent(). This won't work because the panels are registered in the register method before the boot method so the app doesn't understand the tenant logic yet. Is there is any way to register the panels in boot function like filament v2 by using Filament::navigation() method?
1 Reply
Hegabovic17mo ago
if you still have this problem, you can visit this gist and by following the steps their you will get it working if you find it usefull kindly star the gist and mark the question as resolved 😄
Full Guide for Multi-tenancy with tenancy with laravel package
Full Guide for Multi-tenancy with tenancy with laravel package -

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