Which lod/rlod file to remove?

These holes do not generate unlike others by flying over them. Opposed to deleting my LODs for a server/world and starting fresh as I have 4.81GB of LODs and it took multiple days to generate them for this server. Is it possible to calculate from coords or via some form of debug which lod/rlod files needs to be removed? I do not mind if I need to regenerate a number of LODs. I just don't wish to start fresh if possible.
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BackSun2y ago
rlod files probably aren’t your issue and will be immediately regenerated so deleting them is safe. The easiest way to fix the problem would be to turn on LOD only rendering, fly to the broken chunk, and break/place a block to force an LOD update.
Jackjt8OP2y ago
Forcing chunk updates does not resolve this issue. Only Render LODs seems to disable LODs as well on my end.
BackSun2y ago
Only Render LODs is broken if you are using Sodium. If placing/breaking blocks doesn't update the LODs then I'm not sure what your problem is there.
Jackjt8OP2y ago
Fair enough regarding Only Render LODs but the majority of people are using Sodium so maybe we need a tooltip update or something? Now.. If said LODs are corrupt in some way that might explain things which is why I wanted a method to figure out which files they could be. An alternative method that I just came up with that seems to work is: renaming the original LOD folder, generating new LODs, overwriting the old LODs, renaming the original LODs, and then patching the edges.
Jackjt8OP2y ago
So apart from needing to manually patch the edges.. this seems to work. Would have been easier if I could just figure out which LOD files needed to be purged as it's clear that something went wrong with them.
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