Novu2y ago

Team Notifications

Hey, Im looking to implement team notifications / Workflow Users (have a userID) can be part of 0, 1 or multiple teams (teams have a team ID) 1) Trigger / send a notification to team ID creates notification for every user in its team about the user who triggered it 2) A users notification feed consists of all notifications from teams they belong to and any personal notifications. 3) A team member reading a team notification wouldn't mark as read for rest of team E.g. Jhon Donating 50 coins to team blue. Jhon would get a "Thank you for donating 50 coins to team blue" notification. Users in team Blue would get a "jhon has donated 50 coins to your team Blue". Using: NextJs 13 App directory & supabase If anyone could send me in the right direction or to examples of similar concepts - ive found the nextJs 13 bidding application so far Thanks
4 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @PaulY Thanks for detailed use case 🙏🏻 Topics fits perfect for your use case. Create one topic for each team, add subscribers (users) to that topic and trigger the workflow to the topic, You can send actor field to specify who donated the money. All subscribers (users) except actor will not receive the notification.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
PaulYOP2y ago
Hey, @jainpawan21 Thanks for your reply, Topics seem very useful just for clarity the "Create A Topic" states "In order to be able to send a notification to a topic, first the user needs to create one"
i presume a topic doesnt need to be created by a user, just created? and that a topic (team) can exist without any team members (subscribers) until added or deleted? e.g. a topic (team) can be created backend and have no team members until they're assigned to it
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
In order to be able to send a notification to a topic, first the user needs to create one
It means you can trigger a workflow to only existing topic topic can be created using admin api key only topic can exist without subscribers means 0 subscibers

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