Novuβ€’2y ago

When the timezone awareness would be released

I heard that the timezone awareness is coming soon, so could you tell me the approximate release date? or please let me know the approximate period. Thx πŸ˜„
7 Replies
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’2y ago
Hey @hakyoung_14565 ! That is a good question, right now we have no release date, but if that's something you need I'd love to have a quick meeting, and understand the use case a bit better. Would you be up for a short meeting?
HakyoungOPβ€’2y ago
Thx for fast reply. I'm relying on a translator, so a non-real-time meeting in text would be good Our use-case is not clear yet, so I'll ask the CEO and tell you again Simply put, we want to send it after a certain period of time depending on the customer's country and the customer's pre-set working hours. Or I don't send it at all @tomerbarnea I just talked about our use-case, when I try to send a reservation message, there is only one time in the input and NOVU sends it by switching to subscriber's country-specific Time Zone.
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’2y ago
@hakyoung_14565 Thanks! That makes perfect sense, and then how would you pass along the users timezone? Would you save that on the subscriber? do you want to take into account user preferences? working hours?
HakyoungOPβ€’2y ago
Rather than the user's preference, I want to notify each other of the times they set when they have lunch
Novu_Botβ€’2y ago
@hakyoung_14565, you just advanced to level 1!
HakyoungOPβ€’2y ago
I think I should save the time zone setting on the subscriber or do it through the parameters of the API.
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barneaβ€’2y ago
Hey @Hakyoung any chance you can go to https://roadmap.novu.co/roadmap and vote for "Timezone aware delivery"? If you can also add the description we just spoke about that would be greatly appriciated πŸ™

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