call livewire component from view::make()
Is it possible to call a livewire componet from wizard view component. Something like:
7 Replies
component takes a Blade view, so usually you would need a wrapper:
You can extend the View
to make your own LivewireView
and abstract this, if you're doing it often.I've done this working but tailwindcss style is not working
What is the issue with Tailwind?
I compiled tailwindcss and its classes are not reflected in the livewire blade form. I've manually included the app.css and works but this double the page load and break the filament panel style.
I see. You need to setup a custom theme
You can keep the original look of Filament, this just means that you can take control of the Tailwind configuration and add utilities, plugins, etc.
Temporarly solution. I've imported the page style. Thanks @pboivin