❔ How to convert a hex string to a Span<byte>?

Is there an allocation free method to convert a hex string into the corresponding bytes without allocation? I already have a Span<byte> as the destination, but Convert.FromHexString(...) insists on returning a newly allocated byte array. BitConverter also has no useful methods, it seems.
15 Replies
Angius2y ago
A new array has to be allocated, because the actual hexadecimal value doesn't exist anywhere in memory yet, so you can't take a peek at it with a span "0x3F" is not the same as 63
MarkusSchaberOP2y ago
I want to pass the destination Span<byte> as a parameter. Similar to the BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(...) or Base64.EncodeToUtf8 get a destination span. Right now, I have to copy the bytes from the byte[] returned by FromHexString back into my destination span, using useless CPU and producing garbage for the GC.
Angius2y ago
Well, yes, but TryWriteBytes() actually returns the byte representation of the given data So when writing an int you get a representation of an int What you're trying to do is take a string and get a representation of an int You can't peek into the string's memory space and magically pull an int out of there that will be the string converted to a decimal number
MarkusSchaberOP2y ago
I don't want that.
Angius2y ago
The string "0x3F" is stored in the memory as 30 78 33 46. You can't pull out the value 63 out of this, no matter where you peek with the span
MarkusSchaberOP2y ago
Convert.FromHexString(...) already converts a hex encoded string into a byte array. I want exactly the same semantics, just the bytes should be written into a Span<byte> I provide instead of a newly allocated byte[].
Angius2y ago
So you want to convert a hex string to an array of bytes and write them directly to memory without storing them anywhere in the meantime, basically I don't think there's any simple built-in way to do that. Maybe you could try playing with unsafe and what not Maybe people in #allow-unsafe-blocks will know more, they like thinking of weird microoptimizations like this
MarkusSchaberOP2y ago
Right now, I'm using the following code:
private static void FromHex(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<byte> dest)
Debug.Assert(source.Length == 2*dest.Length);
while (source.Length > 0)
dest[0] = byte.Parse(source[..2], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
source = source[2..];
dest = dest[1..];
private static void FromHex(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<byte> dest)
Debug.Assert(source.Length == 2*dest.Length);
while (source.Length > 0)
dest[0] = byte.Parse(source[..2], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
source = source[2..];
dest = dest[1..];
It seems to work and be allocation free (without unsafe), but byte.Parse seems to have a lot of overhead. I could also write my own hex parsing, but I thought with all that optimizations for Span and Memory etc. there should be a built-in way nowadays.
reflectronic2y ago
there isn't one in .NET 8, but there will be one in .NET 9
reflectronic2y ago
[API Proposal]: Convert.TryFromHexString · Issue #78472 · dotnet/ru...
Background and motivation Convert.FromHexString("not-hex"); is throwing a System.FormatException when input string is not a valid hex. Like Convert.TryFromBase64Chars() Convert.TryFromBas...
MarkusSchaberOP2y ago
Will still take some time till .NET 9 is ready then. 😦
Angius2y ago
A year and some change, yeah
nukleer bomb
nukleer bomb2y ago
You can avoid using byte.Parse() something like this:
if(char >= '0' && char <= '9')
num = char - '0';
else if(char >= 'A' && char <= 'F')
num = char - 'A';
if(char >= '0' && char <= '9')
num = char - '0';
else if(char >= 'A' && char <= 'F')
num = char - 'A';
MarkusSchaberOP2y ago
Yes. I just thought I could avoid writing that kind of low level code... Seems I can't get around this before .NET 9.
Accord2y ago
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