Login without password

It is possible to use the current login form to login without password? I want users to be able to login with a card. That card has a code inside that will be use to login. If they do not have the card, they will login with user and password.
4 Replies
Panda2y ago
For that, you would need to implement custom functionality to store user session (card) and determine whether to show the pin entry or email/password fields. If you need more control you can swap the default Filament auth middleware with your custom implementation and also pass the controller action to the login chained method in AdminPanelProvider. I've not personally used it but you can test this plugin https://filamentphp.com/plugins/marjose123-lockscreen
Lockscreen by Josie Darang - Filament
Allows you to lock your web app page and be able to continue working after re-login, the same with your computer/laptop.
haritzOP2y ago
Is possible to edit Filament::auth()->attempt?
dhelly17mo ago
I would like to know... because it would be simpler
awcodes17mo ago
You can certainly provide a custom Login class to the ->login(CustomLogin::class) on the panel.

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