Split with label

Is there anyway to show label of the colum while using split
9 Replies
paanblogger2y ago
Also looking for this solution
+1 Or any other way to change the table columns width
Óscar2y ago
Somebody2y ago
interested in this too
epertinez2y ago
+1 In my case... I need to use Split or Grid because i want a collapsible Panel or View under each row. Alternatively: Is there a way to force column labels with Split or Grid, even if custom made?
awcodes2y ago
With split and grid it is no longer an html table so if you want labels you will have to format the state to return a label, ie ->formatStateUsing(fn ($state) => 'Number: ' . $state) Ideally this should return a definition list for accessibility but that’s the general idea.
epertinez2y ago
Yet, if you want titles, they come BEFORE any formating of the state, don't they?
That will add the label on each line! I don't think that's what we want. Not for me at least.
awcodes2y ago
well, it's no longer a table, so it can't have headers. 🙂

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