Use custom tailwind css inside livewire component (resource edit page)?
I want to use a livewire component inside my edit page. My problem is i can not use tailwind css inside my livewire component. i'm using a package named Commentify. i do not know the issue related to the package or filament. i configured a custom theme in filament. Should i add
path to the tailwind config file? i want to change submit button color.

9 Replies
you've to add the package views directory to the content section of tailwind config
in your case,
Why can not i use all colors? Should i need to mention colors inside the config file? 🤔
Do you have a theme?
Did you run npm run build to recompile css?
as it needs to generate the new color classes
Should i insert colors here? 🫤

so you do have vite installed?
primary colors working fine. when i add color my self it's not working
you can add color in panel