Using Node 18 (16 now EOL)

Hi I'm using the latest Magento integration ( which is package version 1.3.0 (using @vue-storefront/magento-api 2.1.1). The Node engine is still set to 16 though, and if I change it to 18 I get the following error:
error @vue-storefront/[email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=14 <=16". Got "18.17.1"
error @vue-storefront/[email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=14 <=16". Got "18.17.1"
I need to switch over to Node 18 ASAP due to our security commitments to clients. Can you help?
Installation | Vue Storefront 2 for Magento
Documentation for the Magento connector for Vue Storefront 2
26 Replies
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
Just to add, if I try and install a new project while using Node 18 I get the below error :
vsf-magento-core   18.17.1  ♥ 09:18  npx @vue-storefront/cli init
┌ Welcome to Vue Storefront 2 CLI! 💚

◇ 🚀 What's your project name?
│ test

◇ ⚙️ Choose an integration template:
│ Magento 2

◇ 😩 Node.js version is incompatible. Please make sure you use Node.js version >= 16.13 and <17.
vsf-magento-core   18.17.1  ♥ 09:18 
vsf-magento-core   18.17.1  ♥ 09:18  npx @vue-storefront/cli init
┌ Welcome to Vue Storefront 2 CLI! 💚

◇ 🚀 What's your project name?
│ test

◇ ⚙️ Choose an integration template:
│ Magento 2

◇ 😩 Node.js version is incompatible. Please make sure you use Node.js version >= 16.13 and <17.
vsf-magento-core   18.17.1  ♥ 09:18 
David De Sloovere
My post on the same topic got closed. Supposedly Node 18 is supported. I'm not sure that statement is correct. The reason I started the post was for the same reason @.darrenr started this post.
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skirianov2y ago
Post got closed? 🤔 We generally don't do such things
skirianov2y ago
VSF2 Magento integration right now is not in our priority and we are fully focused on the SDK version. Could you please open an issue on GH so we can track it and try to fix
Issues · vuestorefront/magento2
Vue Storefront 2 integration for Magento 2. Contribute to vuestorefront/magento2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
rohrig2y ago
I locked the post after answering because spammers had written in the post.
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
Hi @.rohrig In your reply in that thread you said all integrations were v18 compatible. Can you help me get the latest Magento integration working?
rohrig2y ago
I can try, what issues are you having?
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
See my original post above, when I changed the Node engine in package.json to v18 I get that error when trying to run yarn tasks @skirianov I understand that the SDK is your new direction, but when I asked about support for the Magento integration in July you replied with:
Vue Storefront will continue support for VSF2 Magento integration, though right now we are still in a decision making process on how we are going to approach the new features for VSF2 Magento.
Vue Storefront will continue support for VSF2 Magento integration, though right now we are still in a decision making process on how we are going to approach the new features for VSF2 Magento.
rohrig2y ago
VSF2 is still being supported. That's correct To make sure I understand. The integration you're referring to is the one created by the CLI?
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
That's good to hear. I need to update all our existing projects. But these are all projects created with the Vue Storefront CLI following the installation docs
rohrig2y ago
Got it. So, to be clear, you have existing stores for which you want to upgrade the node version to 18. Is that correct?
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
That's correct
rohrig2y ago
Now I understand. I was referring to the current magento integration when saying it's node 18 compatible. The storefronts are another issue. Let me look into this and get back to you. It might not be today that I have a solid answer.
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
Ahhh, ok.
rohrig2y ago
Just checking core and it looks like upgrades have been made to support node 18 please upgrade to 2.8
vue-storefront/packages/core/package.json at 9f1b5bdecd97b2898b7abe...
The open-source frontend for any eCommerce. Built with a PWA and headless approach, using a modern JS stack. We have custom integrations with Magento, commercetools, Shopware and Shopify and total ...
rohrig2y ago
@.darrenr I did some testing on my own and everything seems to be working fine. Here's my updated package.json.
rohrig2y ago
I updated the vue-storefront packages and Nuxt to the latest v2 version. Next week we'll work on updating the default project created by the cli.
skirianov2y ago
@fabianclemenz is it a coincidence that multiple people asked it the same day? Check Rick solution
FabianClemenz2y ago
😄 I think so ^^ will try upgrading to core 2.8 in the custom integration boilerplate and head back to you
Darren R
Darren ROP2y ago
@.rohrig I have updated those packages and this now works with Node 18. Thanks for your help on this!
FabianClemenz2y ago
@.rohrig is there a page with release notes from 2.7.5 to 2.8? -> found it
Changelog | Vue Storefront 2
Vue Storefront 2 documentation
FabianClemenz2y ago
@skirianov @.rohrig it worked 🙂 in the custom-boilerplate-integration i needed to set all vue-storefront packages to 2.8.0, need do manually add
"vuex": "3.6.2",
"vue": "2.6.14",
"vue-server-renderer": "2.6.14",
"vue-template-compiler": "2.6.14",
"vuex": "3.6.2",
"vue": "2.6.14",
"vue-server-renderer": "2.6.14",
"vue-template-compiler": "2.6.14",
Because i got errors about version miss matches and that vuex could not be installed @.rohrig do you know if there is an easy way to switch from nuxt 2 to nuxt 3 - because of the EOL in Dezember 31th? (also vue cannot be updated to the latest version 2.7.14)
FabianClemenz2y ago
Just FYI - i found this if vue2 is still needed - but idk how mouch this will cost
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rohrig2y ago
I don't know of any special methods of upgrading. I'll refer to the nuxt docs for this one.
Nuxt 3 is a complete rewrite of Nuxt 2, and also based on a new set of underlying technologies.
FabianClemenz2y ago
Does vsf support nuxt3?
rohrig2y ago
If you use the SDK based integrations you can use Nuxt 3.

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