Is it possible to add actions to widgets?
I might be missing something, but I went throught the docs and couldnt find something.
12 Replies
Maybe something like this?
Then I have a white screen 😅

Where you get these code? ChatGPT?
No. Filament v3 docs
Basically what I wanted to do is to have a widget in the Dashboard that has a specific action. I have found a workaround, and instead of creating an action for a widget I made one for Dashboard which is a livewire component. Then I added section in the blade file and called the action from there
Like this:
Why are you having dd?
Because as mentioned I was getting a white screen, and I wanted to see what the value was
Do you even understand php? That’s not how you access the $view in your code
where is this supposed to be?
When you copy and paste the code, read and try to understand it
Yes I do... That method didnt work and I found a workaround
what's the workaround ?