Action modal registered using render hook not trigger the modal
I have Livewire component that had an action modal in it. When I click the trigger button, its not trigger the modal. I checked the network tab, its actually dispatch the
instead of open-modal
If I put the button somewhere else (page header action, table header action) it works. How can I achieve this? I just wanted to have button trigger of the modal on topbar.
Here are the action snippet
8 Replies
did you add
<x-filament-actions::modals />
to you livewire view?Sorry for late response.
Yes, I did
Maybe try
don’t use the prebuilt CreateAction.@Ben do you get the solution for it, i got the same issue
I gave up, I don't have more time to dig on this issue. So, I moved on.
I choose to have the trigger button on the
, it just works as long as the trigger button inside the <main>
are you using the button blade components?
Yes, also this
and CreateAction::make(‘addLink’)
I didn't try it on the latest version yet, maybe later I'll give one more tryokay thanks ben for answer, i got bit insight there's actualy still bug, im using lastest filament version
and put the Action modal in render hooks after