Do you know the browser support for the Filament framework?

The filament framework does not work properly in lower versions of the Chrome browser. After investigation, it was found that the frontend resources are using the JavaScript "Nullish coalescing operator" feature, which is not supported in Chrome versions below 80. I have researched a solution and found that you can use the plugins @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator and @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining for transpiling. However, it seems that the filament documentation does not provide instructions on how to recompile the official frontend resources.
6 Replies
blakdronzer2y ago
Well.. why would you even bother so much for a lower version of chrome .. where do you expect it to be around and how many percentage? i have experienced - a very negligible consumers have such rigidity - there - you can just ignore! you can put up a recomendation page - if version is lower then required, ask them to upgrade
kisexuOP2y ago
Thx. But if you're working on a commercial project, you may have to deal with browser compatibility issues. At the very least, you should inform users which minimum version of the browser they should upgrade to.
blakdronzer2y ago
yes i do understand - but then if you see - who are these group of ppl who are using such old browsers in 1st place - Govt. offices - rare chance - there they will prefer IE over google chrome .. then who will it be - some oldies - how many percent - hardly even 1 percent... are they the real target? - if yes, then its all worth managing such stuff... else - can just give them the message to use upgraded browser
kisexuOP2y ago
Thank you for your suggestion. By the way, do you know any ways to recompile official JS files?
blakdronzer2y ago
nope - quite new both to laravel and filamentphp i too am working on a project - filamentphp seems to be excellent choice but then i have a lot of customization required at the level of access.. that is going to make life misserable for me as for now - so limiting the use of the same how experienced are you with the same?
kisexuOP2y ago
Filamentphp is a great choice, I have used it to develop two projects. However, the latest project encountered browser compatibility issues. You are right, it is indeed a government-oriented system. But besides that, the development experience of filamentphp is very good.

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