FilamentV3 MultiTenancy in the frontend

Hi, I have configured multitenancy for my AdminPanel and it works well for the backend. I would like to use the tenancy in frontend where my routes would be Tenant aware when accessing some pages created by certain tenant in backend. Filament::getTenant() is returning null. Specifically I would like to have a route prefix having tenant ID. Would love if anybody can shed some light. Started using filament a few weeks ago so I may be missing something. Thanks for the fantastic package its the best I have used so far. Cheers! #multi-tenant
2 Replies
Patrick Boivin
I think Filament::getTenant() will only work in the context of a Panel. Just a thought - would it be possible to build the tenant-aware pages as custom pages in Filament?
VeeralOP2y ago
Ya Filament::getTenant() works only in the context of a panel. I am thinking to add the tenant 'id' to the page route from the panel and then use that in the frontend

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