Chaging the default /admin url to subdomain
So i was tryingf to change the /admin url to subdomain like as i will have a home page for the . I did go through the documentation in the link below:
php artisan make:filament-panel crmapp
But when i try to run the command to install AppPanelProvider it's not working. Or am i missing something?
6 Replies
It does it supports domains with ->domain() it shouldn't matter if it's a sub or not
So the docs are for v3 but you are saying you are on v3 😉
Oh the docs is for v3 ? my bad . I'm on V2
so in v2 check the config/filament.php for the domain.
and set the path to be /
I see thanks i'll take a look . I was looking for it in the document but couldn't find it
Thanks! got it worked .