Web Bae•13mo ago
Matt Vidal

Mapbox CMS Integration:

Hey guys, how are you doing? Do you guys know some tutorial teaching how to creat a Mapbox with CMS integration from scracth like this one? https://webflow.com/made-in-webflow/website/mapstore I'm new to Webflow and code, so even though I looked at the edited file, I didn't really understand how to reproduce it in a real project.
Store locator with Mapbox and a Collection list
Store locator with Mapbox and a Collection list - Webflow
An interactive store locator built with Mapbox and leveraging a collection list thanks to Javascript.
5 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae•12mo ago
Hey @Matt Vidal I don't have anything. I know eklipsedev was working on someting like this but not sure if he opensourced it or not. I actually have an upcoming project that needs this so maybe I'll share more in the upcoming weeks.
Matt Vidal
Matt Vidal•12mo ago
Thank you so much @Web Bae ! I can't wait to see it live haha
Web Bae
Web Bae•12mo ago
let me know if you find any good resources in your search - I'm lookgin for inspiration as well 🙂
raj_badgewar•12mo ago
Hi, @Matt Vidal , did you found solution or resources for this ? If not I can share you some as I already built similar thing.
Ula•12mo ago
KC Katalbas
Creating a CMS based map with Webflow + Mapbox
It's map time! Need an interactive map with locations inside a CMS? Here's how you can do it with Webflow and Mapbox Also should note that this isn't sponsored by Mapbox or Webflow. I just really like these tools! Links: Live Site: https://mapbox-webflow-cms.webflow.io/ Clone Here: https://webflow.com/made-in-webflow/website/mapbox-webflow-cms...
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