Query in drizzle doesn't work

DrizzleError: No fields selected for table "usersToGroups" ("users_groups")
DrizzleError: No fields selected for table "usersToGroups" ("users_groups")
Drizzle query builder
await db
id: users.id,
name: users.name,
groups: sql`json_agg(jsonb_build_object('id', ${groups.id}, 'name', ${groups.name}))`,
.leftJoin(usersToGroups, eq(users.id, usersToGroups.userId))
.leftJoin(groups, eq(groups.id, usersToGroups.groupId))
.groupBy(users.id, users.name, usersToGroups.userId)
.where(eq(users.id, newUser.id));
await db
id: users.id,
name: users.name,
groups: sql`json_agg(jsonb_build_object('id', ${groups.id}, 'name', ${groups.name}))`,
.leftJoin(usersToGroups, eq(users.id, usersToGroups.userId))
.leftJoin(groups, eq(groups.id, usersToGroups.groupId))
.groupBy(users.id, users.name, usersToGroups.userId)
.where(eq(users.id, newUser.id));
SQL query
json_agg(jsonb_build_object('id', g.id, 'name', g.name)) AS groups
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN users_to_groups utg ON u.id = utg.user_id
LEFT JOIN groups g ON utg.group_id = g.id
GROUP BY u.id, u.name, utg.user_id;
json_agg(jsonb_build_object('id', g.id, 'name', g.name)) AS groups
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN users_to_groups utg ON u.id = utg.user_id
LEFT JOIN groups g ON utg.group_id = g.id
GROUP BY u.id, u.name, utg.user_id;
pgsql cli output 👇🏿
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Pillow248d ago
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Pillow248d ago
Uh, i fixed it ;D
Pillow248d ago
but this thing is kinda bad.
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Angelelz248d ago
What is bad?
Pillow248d ago
If the user has zero groups, i won't get an empty array, but i'd like to 😭
No description
Pillow248d ago
json_agg(json_build_object('id', g.id, 'name', g.name)),
json_agg(json_build_object('id', g.id, 'name', g.name)),
I tried do smth like this, but.. https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/joins#aggregating-results Maybe I just need to aggregate the results within the js After prisma sql-like seems quite complicated, but more efficient.
Angelelz248d ago
json_agg(case when g.id IS NULL then null else json_build_object('id', g.id, 'name', g.name) then)
json_agg(case when g.id IS NULL then null else json_build_object('id', g.id, 'name', g.name) then)
I'm not sure this will produce [] or [null]
Angelelz248d ago
Stack Overflow
Postgresql LEFT JOIN json_agg() ignore/remove NULL
I am using a LEFT JOIN there will be cases where there is no right-table match therefore empty (null) values are substituted for the right-table columns. As a result I am getting [null] as one of the
Pillow248d ago
yeap, thx ❤️
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