Using parts of Open Brush in a commercial game

like its just using the brush drawing but its just one part of the game
3 Replies
mikeage•2y ago
hi, and welcome! Just so I understand, you're talking about drawing something in Open Brush, and then either saving it as a 2D image or a 3D object and including that drawing/object in your game, right? Not actually using the Open Brush code? If so, that's perfectly fine! Open Brush is a content creation app, just like, say, Word or Photoshop, and you're allowed (and encouraged 🙂 ) to use it to share your creations anywhere and any way you want. If you're using it for 3D design as part of a game, we'd probably love to hear more about it as well! There's also the Open Brush toolkit which can help you import your creations into Unity; I don't know very much about how that works exactly, but feel free to ask; there are plenty of people who are familiar with it
AceAllianceOP•2y ago
no, I mean the actual code for the drawing. Just need primitive shapes, and the drawing tool and fill.
mikeage•2y ago
Ah, so you want to copy parts of the source code. The license is Apache 2.0; you can find a good summary of your rights at . Basically, though, you are allowed to take parts and include them in a commercial product, but you have to mention that you made changes to the code, but you don't need our permission to do so, nor do you need to release your changes if you want to keep your game closed source
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