22 Replies
Was having issues with reactive fields to get a slug updating, so I did a composer update and it re-ran filament:upgrade and now no matter what link I click on, on the side, it loads a page that looks like this
Removing the hidden class makes it work fine, although the navbar still looks pretty odd, so not sure what is adding it?
Have done a
npm run dev
and added the preset to tailwind, etc
Any ideas?
That 'hidden' is coming from ...
... so out of interest, try turning off sidebarCollapsibleOnDesktop() and sidebarFullyCollapsibleOnDesktop() and topNavigate() in your panel provider, see what happens.
Hmm okay, will give it a go, but not sure why it’s hidden by default?
Well it should get overridden by the style="'display: flex'"
@joelwmale did you ever get this resolved? I saw someone else mention that topNavigation may cause this if you also have sidebar collapse set.
I haven’t tried it sorry, been really busy with client work. I’ll try to make some time today to see if I can fix it using your suggestion
I’m haven’t set any configurations for sidebars or top nav’s, this is all default
Well - you can refer to the theme provided by Zeus-Laravel - there it have managed to keep the system intact while providing the sidebar colapsable
FYI @Hugh Messenger I don't have any of those functions called on my panel.
This was working fine until I updated filament 1 minor version, then it broke
@Hugh Messenger adding this does not fix anything sadly

I think this condition is wrong no?
'hidden' => !(false false false)
Make's it true?
If I remove the
it works fineClear your local storage in your browser.
I think your local storage has gotten out of sync. Both things your are setting to false in your panel are false by default.
Yeah I thought so too, but I can't even log back in, I get a "already in progress state" for sign in, and no matter what credentials I enter, the page just reloads

This was working 100% fine prior to upgrading filament
Downgrading back to 3.0.47 fixes the admin panel, but login still broken

It's definitely running the upgrade:

Wtf is already in progress. Sorry.
That doesn’t sound like anything in filament. At least that I’m aware of.
Sorry what does this mean haha?
What do I do now/here?
@awcodes someone on Github has helped me to fix it
The issue was a difference in livewire config, I was still running v2, on livewire v3 🙂
Filament Broken - Buttons always loading, forms not submitting, etc...
Have got a project that was previously running on Filament 2, and worked no issues at all, but now, having upgrading to v3 I get very strange errors, like not even being able to log in: This is the...
Glad you got it sorted out.