C#11mo ago

❔ sending files through a discord webhook

is that possible? in a console app btw
9 Replies
cap5lut11mo ago
a web hook is just a specific endpoint on a webserver, so its doable, the HttpClient provides all required functionality for that. https://brokul.dev/sending-files-and-additional-data-using-httpclient-in-net-core
Sending files and additional data using HttpClient in .NET Core
This article presents how to configure the multipart form-data request to send files and additional data in the ASP.NET Core application.
Elmishh11mo ago
Also can i change the channel of a discord webhook with code?
cap5lut11mo ago
that i dunno, been a couple years since i wrote my last discord bot. but simpliest should still be to just have 2 separate web hooks for the 2 different channels
Anu6is11mo ago
Yes you can
Elmishh11mo ago
Any documents on how?
Anu6is11mo ago
Can't say how off the top of my head but it's possible
Jimmacle11mo ago
the discord api documentation, probably
Elmishh11mo ago
Since i wanna be able to move the webhook between channels using their id Easier than having 15, of the same webhook Anyways gtg bye
Accord11mo ago
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