Novu2y ago

Some bugs and questions

1. Cant make selection when the + is at the bottom 2. I choose to use the font family Roboto in the "Brand" but inapp notifications remain as is until they are clicked and then the font changes 3. I cant remove the logo from my email or from my brand 4. I cant control position of the logo in the email 5. I want to add a button within the middle of the text. how can I do it?
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2 Replies
Rifki Salim
Rifki Salim2y ago
@erez0573 I had the same issue as you with points 3 and 4. The workaround for this is to modify your default email layout in your novu organization. It allows you to edit the HTML of the layout so you can modify/remove the logo as you wish
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @erez0573 1. I see this is happening in small height screen or when there is content above this + menu items. 2. Strangely, in-app notification item still using inherit font-family. Quikc workaround for this is to use styles prop and apply font-family styling to listItem.layout . Please checkout this codesanbox for all possible combinations https://codesandbox.io/s/custom-styles-novu-nc-2jd46m 3 and 4. As suggested by Rifki, you should either use layout to create custom email template as per your organisation branding guidelines. 5. We suggest using custom code tab in email editor, there you will be able to use HTML to style your email template. Editor tab lacks configurations to customize these things I will keep you posted about fix of 1 and 2

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