Filament10mo ago

Enum TextColumn badge() with label, icon and color

I have this enum class

namespace App\Enums;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasColor;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasIcon;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;

enum SubstitutionStatusEnum: string implements HasColor, HasIcon, HasLabel
case Suspended = 'suspended';
case Accepted = 'accepted';
case Rejected = 'rejected';

public function getColor(): string | array | null
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'primary',
self::Accepted => 'success',
self::Rejected => 'danger',

public function getIcon(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'heroicon-o-ellipsis-horizontal-circle',
self::Accepted => 'heroicon-o-check-circle',
self::Rejected => 'heroicon-o-x-circle',

public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'Suspended Acceptance',
self::Accepted => 'Accepted Acceptance',
self::Rejected => 'Rejected Acceptance',

namespace App\Enums;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasColor;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasIcon;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;

enum SubstitutionStatusEnum: string implements HasColor, HasIcon, HasLabel
case Suspended = 'suspended';
case Accepted = 'accepted';
case Rejected = 'rejected';

public function getColor(): string | array | null
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'primary',
self::Accepted => 'success',
self::Rejected => 'danger',

public function getIcon(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'heroicon-o-ellipsis-horizontal-circle',
self::Accepted => 'heroicon-o-check-circle',
self::Rejected => 'heroicon-o-x-circle',

public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'Suspended Acceptance',
self::Accepted => 'Accepted Acceptance',
self::Rejected => 'Rejected Acceptance',
and in my Resurce i've
but i only see a badge right coloured with enum value (suspended, accepted, ecc...) but i can't see the icon and the label. How can i get the labels and the icon inside the badge? Thanks
4 Replies
ocram8210mo ago
Trying to do something while waiting for a response i solved doing that:
->icon(fn (Substitution $record) => SubstitutionStatusEnum::from($record->accepted_status)->getIcon())
->color(fn (Substitution $record) => SubstitutionStatusEnum::from($record->accepted_status)->getColor())
->formatStateUsing(fn (Substitution $record) => SubstitutionStatusEnum::from($record->accepted_status)->getLabel())
->icon(fn (Substitution $record) => SubstitutionStatusEnum::from($record->accepted_status)->getIcon())
->color(fn (Substitution $record) => SubstitutionStatusEnum::from($record->accepted_status)->getColor())
->formatStateUsing(fn (Substitution $record) => SubstitutionStatusEnum::from($record->accepted_status)->getLabel())
thanks to all and hope this is useful for others
Jakub6mo ago
what did you put in for getLabel? can you show the enum example, for the getLabel method
Pathros3w ago
But I get the following error:
SubstitutionStatusEnum::from(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type string|int, SubstitutionStatusEnum given
Well, now I have fixed it like so:
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->icon(fn(Substitution $record) => $record->accepted_status->getIcon())
->color(fn(Substitution $record) => $record->accepted_status->getColor())
->formatStateUsing(fn(Substitution $record) => $record->accepted_status->getLabel())
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->icon(fn(Substitution $record) => $record->accepted_status->getIcon())
->color(fn(Substitution $record) => $record->accepted_status->getColor())
->formatStateUsing(fn(Substitution $record) => $record->accepted_status->getLabel())
That did the trick for me
ocram822w ago
this is the complete code of the enum:

namespace App\Enums;

use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasColor;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasIcon;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;

enum SubstitutionStatusEnum: string implements HasColor, HasIcon, HasLabel
case Suspended = 'suspended';
case Accepted = 'accepted';
case Rejected = 'rejected';

public function getColor(): string|array|null
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'primary',
self::Accepted => 'success',
self::Rejected => 'danger',

public function getIcon(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'heroicon-o-ellipsis-horizontal-circle',
self::Accepted => 'heroicon-o-check-circle',
self::Rejected => 'heroicon-o-x-circle',

public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'Sospesa',
self::Accepted => 'Accettata',
self::Rejected => 'Rifiutata',

namespace App\Enums;

use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasColor;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasIcon;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;

enum SubstitutionStatusEnum: string implements HasColor, HasIcon, HasLabel
case Suspended = 'suspended';
case Accepted = 'accepted';
case Rejected = 'rejected';

public function getColor(): string|array|null
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'primary',
self::Accepted => 'success',
self::Rejected => 'danger',

public function getIcon(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'heroicon-o-ellipsis-horizontal-circle',
self::Accepted => 'heroicon-o-check-circle',
self::Rejected => 'heroicon-o-x-circle',

public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::Suspended => 'Sospesa',
self::Accepted => 'Accettata',
self::Rejected => 'Rifiutata',
happy to hear that 👍