How much smoother will bazzite run on the Steam Deck compared to an NVIDIA system?
- Like will
daemon work so I don't ever have to restart it?
- Will all games that are able to be ran on linux including games from the Portal Series work?
- Do things crash often like the game mode DE crash quite often?
- Is an external keyboard required for any other things other than the installation with Anaconda?
- Does the onscreen keyboard work okay? Can you do things like copy and paste and other keyboard combinations?22 Replies
- yes
- yes
- no
- no
- yes
what other things require an external keyboard?
i changed it
Oh I just saw the edit now
Read it too fast
i thought it was just for installation which u def want an external kb for
But steams on screen keyboard works as long as steam is running
Wanna know a good solution for that? having an ISO that is offline and has the user called "deck" so you don't have to type anything.
perhaps i dont make the ISOs. You could use other usernames other than deck but i see where you're coming from
@KyleGospo would this work in the future?
like a keyboardless ISO
idk if this could work, but not familiar with anaconda
Ik they're changing the UI in 39 too
for #5, if you are referring to general use in the system, the only modifier keys you are given are shift and caps lock. you can bind hard keys to be other things like ctrl or alt if you want.
there is copying and pasting with the keyboard, but keep in mind it is just ctrl+c and ctrl+v. if you want this to work in the terminal, you'll want to change the keybinds for that
Keep in mind Steam needs to update and be signed into before its keyboard can be used
and anaconda doesn't offer an OSK rn IIRC
One day, it'd certainly be cool to have
But I wouldn't know where to start with getting an OSK in the installer personally
The other issue could be worked around by temporarily enabling GNOMEs keyboard and Maliit under Plasma Wayland but those aren't optimal solutions
"thank you for your feedback"

can you right click with the steam deck? I paste commands in the terminal by right clicking then pressing paste
left trigger is right click
right trigger is left
is that bazzite on the deck?
that is
I wonder if Valve is aware of the existance of Bazzite
if they aren't the analytics from that "yes it works!" click are gonna be very goofy looking to them
if you're on KDE, Konsole has a big copy and paste button on the top too
honestly bazzite on deck should function similarly to SteamOS besides being a Fedora base and you can easily install packages without going through any of the hell that SteamOS requires you to do
KDE should be 1:1
Look & feel
Only different if you peer under the hood
I am on kde (base kinoite)