How to query data from 20+ tables and pass it as a single variable to a View: UNION? JOIN?
Laravel/Filament V2 First Time Project
Imagine something like this:
Table 1 "Company"
columns: id, name
Table 2 "Company Members"
columns: id, company_id, total_members, members_10s, members_20s
Table 3 "Company Achievements"
columns: id, company_id, scale, projects
The method below requires my tables to have same fields, which just does not make sense to me (how can I put number of members into the same field as company name?).
ANY video I managed to find on YouTube ALWAYS has literally one table for users and one table for entity and does not have anything specific for this mess.
I've been staring at my app\Http\Controllers\CompanyController.php for the past 2 days, but staring seems to be not a solid strategy to resolve my conundrum
Please, show me the way
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