Cant find view for Filament-Peek

According to the docs, I have to point the function to the blade file of the resource, but it doesnt exist. How can I publish it? Or am I missing something else?

namespace App\Filament\Resources\TestUploadResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\TestUploadResource;
use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord;
use Pboivin\FilamentPeek\Pages\Actions\PreviewAction;
use Pboivin\FilamentPeek\Pages\Concerns\HasPreviewModal;

class EditTestUpload extends EditRecord
use HasPreviewModal;
protected static string $resource = TestUploadResource::class;

protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [


protected function getActions(): array
return [

protected function getPreviewModalView(): ?string
return 'test_uploads.preview';

protected function getPreviewModalDataRecordKey(): ?string
return 'test_uploads';

namespace App\Filament\Resources\TestUploadResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\TestUploadResource;
use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord;
use Pboivin\FilamentPeek\Pages\Actions\PreviewAction;
use Pboivin\FilamentPeek\Pages\Concerns\HasPreviewModal;

class EditTestUpload extends EditRecord
use HasPreviewModal;
protected static string $resource = TestUploadResource::class;

protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [


protected function getActions(): array
return [

protected function getPreviewModalView(): ?string
return 'test_uploads.preview';

protected function getPreviewModalDataRecordKey(): ?string
return 'test_uploads';
filament-peek/docs/ at 2.x · pboivin/filament-peek
Full-screen page preview modal for Filament. Contribute to pboivin/filament-peek development by creating an account on GitHub.
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7 Replies
MatthewOP2y ago
No description
MatthewOP2y ago
Ive added the files manually and I still got some issues:
<x-preview-banner />

<x-preview-banner />

MatthewOP2y ago
No description
MatthewOP2y ago
No description
Patrick Boivin
Hi @thethunderturner, you can ask plugin specific question in the #peek channel But to your issue, the preview.blade.php is just a regular view from your project, you don't need to publish anything So test_uploads.preview should correspond to resources/views/test_uploads/preview.blade.php <x-preview-banner /> is just an example to illustrate the use of $isPeekPreviewModal. It says you can check the existence of this variable to determine if the Blade view is used in the context of a preview or not.
MatthewOP2y ago
Okk thank you I dont mean to offend but I find it a bit complicated 😅
Patrick Boivin
I'm open to suggestions, don't hesitate to point out exactly what was difficult to understand in the documentation. I've been getting very little feedback on that so far.

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