how can I customise the section's width?

Hello all, In my forms Section I want to make the width around 75% as I want to create few placeholders on the right side, something like this. when I tried to change this 'full' value to '1' in this Section class. Thanks in advance. protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->columnSpan('full');} it gives me half width and more then 1 give me full. I want 75% of width for this section like this.
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6 Replies
Ilham Dimas Prayudha
Try like this: Grid::make(4) ->schema([ Section::make() ->columnSpan(3) ->schema([ // ]), Section::make() ->columnSpan(1) ->schema([ // ]), ])
syed_eer11mo ago
@ilhamdimasprayudha thanks for your reply. Amazing that works like charm. how about giving the color to text in this placeholder?
Ilham Dimas Prayudha
Try this ->extraAttributes(['class' => 'text-blue-500'])
syed_eer11mo ago
Placeholder::make('course_selected')->label('Course Selected')->disabled()->content( fn ($get) => $get('course_selected') )->extraAttributes(['class' => 'text-blue-500']) and Section::make('Student Summary') ->columnSpan(1) ->schema([ ])->extraAttributes(['class' => 'text-blue-500']), tried both ways, its not working.
Ilham Dimas Prayudha
Sorry, try text-primary-500 instead
syed_eer11mo ago
Yeah! now this works, thank you so much @ilhamdimasprayudha .