how to change text-gray-950 to something else globally?

If we change the 'primary' color in the panel, only the amber gets replaced with the new color. The menu options in the side bar, the button backgrounds etc change from amber to the new color. However all the other text on the screen, like Dashboard or the text in the widgets or in the user profile dropdown etc continues to remain dark-grey (text-grwy-950). How to change this dark-grey color of text to a different color?
4 Replies
ZedoX2y ago
You'd need to use CSS to target those texts to change their colors
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Sure. Primary only replaces primary. If you want to replace gray you need to give new colors for gray
code jam
code jamOP2y ago
Have customized gray to my preferred color already. That only changes some part of the page & panel.
I want to replace the dark gray / blackish elements on the screen which have text-grey-950 class appended (and togglable to grey-50 in dark mode).. Items like "Dashboard" on the page, or the avatar at the top right corner, or text in the table etc, are all "blackish". I am trying to replace this color with a custom color. I was searching for $primary/$secondary to handle this, but looks like doesnt exist. PS: I don't need dark mode for my panel, so I can replace colors without worrying about its effect on dark mode. That would be a whole lot of css elements I guess. Even H1 H2 tags are with this class. I am not a tailwind expert, but I was expecting it to be set at the body level where I could change (which is not the case).
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
I guess you need to swap the colors via tailwind config then.

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