Filament11mo ago

Refresh form data on action

Hello, how can i refresh form data on action / update in a standalone form builder ? tried wire:click="$refresh" but it didnt work
6 Replies
ZedoX11mo ago
Where is this action? Page Action? Table Action? Form Action?
Antoni11mo ago
in a livewire component that have form with form builder and a button to trigger refresh
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin11mo ago
Does the action itself modify the data? Can you share more information on what you're building exactly?
Antoni10mo ago
here is what i am building, this is a tablerepeater and if user select "barang diterima" then input qty button should be visible the button will open up a modal for user to input the qty with some additional info and after submit it should update the "qty receive" column which is currently 0 usually i can update it using $set in afterStateUpdated but i cant figure it out how to make it work for custom field like this one
No description
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin10mo ago
You should be able to use $set with a TableRepeater. Can you share some code to show what you've been trying?
Sanjana8mo ago