Relationships: Self one-one & one-many
I have a table called convoMessages
Trying to add a self relation of one to one
But also a self relation of one to many
Drizzle Studio is throwing an error of
Error: There are multiple relations between "convoMessages" and "convo_messages". Please specify relation name
I would have thought this syntax is fine:

5 Replies
got further by adding
{relationName: 'replies'}
to the many type, but now does not have enough info to infer the relationWhen you're doing more that one relation with the the same table (self or otherwise), you need to provide a name, so that drizzle can connect the correct reference column to the correct relation type
The name have to be provided to both sides of your relation. Can you show the snippet of code to see where the problem might be?
Ended up creating a separate relationship table and doing it through there
Appreciate the help @angelelz
@McPizza can you show the table & relations you used to make it work? I'm struggling trying to setup something similar
my table is something like this
I'm trying to work on
relations for the same table, any idea how to implement it? saw this is still open
throws errorsI ended up going with a separate relationship table
dont have any examples to hand right now
But for you, you'd have a table called "Friendships"
two columns: "Source" - "Friend"
Relationships on the friendships
one to one to users
On users
Relationships > many "Source" and many "Friend"
Also use relationship names on both sides of the relationships
Should work fine