Curator plugin acceptedFileTypes argument not being adhered to when picking from uploaded content

Hi. Is anyone else using the curator plugin and also having this issue? It seems the setting the acceptedFileTypes on a specific form field only restricts the filetype when uploading a new file. But still allows me to select a different filetype from previously uploaded content. Although a fix was merged in, it doesnt seem to have completely fixed the issue. I'm using filament/filament:3.0.40 and awcodes/filament-curator:3.0.0 My field code looks like this
Which as I say does restrict new uploads to png files only, but does still allow me to pick from none png files previously uploaded. Cheers
acceptedFileTypes should not let you pick another file type · Issue...
I have field with acceptedFileTypes(['image/jpeg', 'image/png']) and I can't upload any other file type, but I can pick any file from already uploaded. I can pick mp4 video for ...
2 Replies
awcodes2y ago
This is fixed with v3.0.1
cheesegrits2y ago
And #curator 😉

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