Customise the create and edit pages
I am new to filament and I got a project where I need to decide a tech stack but they require some custom form layouts for create/edit, how hard is it for me to customise it ? I am sking in terms of layout thanks to filament forms package all input forms are enough for the project use case
16 Replies
What exactly you need to customize? Styles can be done with css
You can customize what you want
by creating custom theme, will it bite me in the future when upgrading filament?
A theme doesnt override any filament code
only the css?
But it uses the filament css too
So all good with updating
so how does it help me to change the layout of the create/edit page? I couldnt find exactly much on the documentation page
any other resources I can look into for it?
thank you for your answers by the way
Do you want to change the looks or what?
I want to customise the design, layout, order of showing form inputs, I want some form inputs to be 1 per row some 3-4 items in a row
sprinkle little bit of horizontal dividers
You can use groups and grids to make inputs a certain width
Horizontal dividers not sure. Maybe make a custom field with the divider in a blade
Take a look at the demo and see how they did the layout there
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thank you so much
i think it covers my use cases, I will take deeper dive into them
grid covers that