Connection SSL/TLS

I'm trying to introspect my database from planetscale but when I run the command I get an error of: Ignoring invalid configuration option passed to Connection: ssl{'rejectUnauthorized':true}. This is currently a warning, but in future versions of MySQL2, an error will be thrown if you pass an invalid configuration option to a Connection C:\Users\rober\code\projects\drizsup\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:35618 Error: unknown error: Code: UNAVAILABLE server does not allow insecure connections, client must use SSL/TLS. I got the string from planetscale under node.js connection. I also tried sslaccept=strict. String here: DATABASE_URL='mysql://cmbv6127rur27iela7w8:[password]{"rejectUnauthorized":true}' Config file: import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit"; export default { schema: "./src/lib/schema.ts", out: "./src/lib/db", driver: "mysql2", dbCredentials: { connectionString: "mysql://cmbv6127rur27iela7w8:[password]{'rejectUnauthorized':true}", }, } satisfies Config; What would be the fix? It would be nice since the error tells you its invalid that it show valid options to choose from.
4 Replies
Angelelz2y ago
I believe you're not supposed to use single quotes in the connection string. See this thread:
azure199OP2y ago
Thanks for the direction. I found a solution using url encoding: %7B%22rejectUnauthorized%22%3Atrue%7D. I dont think its the best solution but it works. Do you know how you would do it without using single quotes?
Angelelz2y ago
This is one way: `mysql://cmbv6127rur27iela7w8:[password]{"rejectUnauthorized":true}` this too: 'mysql://cmbv6127rur27iela7w8:[password]{"rejectUnauthorized":true}' another: "mysql://cmbv6127rur27iela7w8:[password]{\"rejectUnauthorized\":true}" Last one is escaping with \
azure199OP2y ago
Ah okay, so you just cant use single quotes within the string. I didn't get that till seeing it for some reason. Thank you for your help!

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