Errors in Select with new field Attribute appended to eloquent model
I need a bunch of appended fields to several of my models. I have followed the normal Laravel usage for this:
I define the accessor and add Attribute in model:
And then I want to use it in my Select field like this:
And I get the error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'my_new_field' in 'field list'
I have checked using Tinker and it works fine.
Any idea of what can be happening?
11 Replies
Can you pluck from an append?
Why not just format the option lavels?
I have been trying quite a lot of different things.
I followed documentation and found that for select and pluck methods I should use migrations and virtualAs. I did so, and it works, but as it includes dates they are shown formatted in English and I need them formatted in Spanish
I use the above code, but it works in local but throws an error in Forge.Laravel saying that MySQl does not admit the third parameter in DATE_FORMAT for the locale.
And I am lost going round and round. And I do need quite a bunch of those CONCAT fields
Farr too complicated, when you can just use a closure with:
Sorry but I don't get it.
It is not only a problem of searching. The first thing I need is to show a concat of several fields, some of those formatted, in the dropdown.
Like the image shown. The problems is just the format of the date, and that is why I would need to use eloquent to format with carbon and so on.
Really sorry for my not understanding, but can someone answer these:
1.- It is NOT POSSIBLE to use pluck with an appended field in Filament?
2.- If not, what would be the approach for this Select() in filament forms?
Tks again.

Personaally I am not fmailiar with appended fields in filament, but the way I do that is:
Thanks a lot.
It really is very interesting, but for some cases.
But here I have 2 problems with this solution:
1.- How or where can I filter the records I want to show? I only want those with date_of_death
2.- How can I format the date_of_death - I have used date_format($record->date_of_death, 'd-m-Y') but nothing different happens. It shows dates in yyyy-mm-dd
1. adjust your options query
Assuming you have null for date_of_death when empty
2. date('d-m-Y, strtotime($record->date_of_death))|
None of those works, sorry:
When I use the ->options() it overwrites teh getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing; In this case it only shows full_name which is in the pluck.
Format for the date is not working, either.

Date format won’t work like that, you are checking if it has a date and returning nothing
Ah, Ok. Sorry.
Anyway I cannot use the where condition or filter only the Persons that I need.
I found a solution without the need of creating a virtualAs column in the migration (though it is a good solution also):
As we cannot filter the SELECT without using ->options() and then, getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing is overwritten by options, finaly I have:
1.- Used only relationship + getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing, but with no options
2.- Then, to prefilter only the people I need, which are those with type == 'causante', I have changed the relationship in the model Dossier adding the where condition there.
This way, in a simple way which allows to add the createOptionForm and editOptionForm easily I have only the list of people I need and the concat text I want.
Hope it can help anybody.