sorry for asking this type of question again but I want that is in my user's column is_admin to be boolean and if is admin = 1 then I can access the admin panel other this will say in the form you don't have access to login or you are not an admin. I do not want to show them (given image ) how can i archive this type of functionality in filamentphp v3

9 Replies
You can implement a Laravel 403 exception catch to redirect to wherever, pretty sure on access filament, instead of checking just pass in a return if it's false.
thanks sir but can i change the login panel data like error message "you are not an admin"
because then i got 403 after that i am not able to go back and as well as can not go to login page can i rediect to login page with "you are a not admin message " insted of 403
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thank you sir
i can also show normal user to a new panel ? which will be blank .
you can create different panels
sir how can we redirect them back to login page is he is not a user and show error or message that you are not an admin ?
Just override the login page class and build a validation message in instead.
hum, maybe you can customize the login page and edit what you want
You can extend the default login class and edit what you needthank you so much sir.