Select option in production looks ugly in filament 3

I am using filament 3 now and in my local machin the select looks ok but when i deploy the app using forge the select option looks ugly like in the image attached. I see that in filament 3 all the css are already copied to public directoy of the app so i guess there won't be needing of recompiling all those, i tried clearing my cache, tried deleting site from forge and installing it again, tried clearing cache from laravel artisan command, as i use cloudflare with proxy enabled i tried disabling it but still none worked for me. Appreciates your kind help.
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2 Replies
Console errors? php artisan filament:upgrade ?
nuumaanOP2y ago
i see no errors anywhere, but I found a solution, it seems like SSL issue, I had SSL in Cloudflare with proxy ON, so to all my domain Cloudflare is providing SSL, so i disabled the proxy for this app domain on Cloudflare as I manage my domains DNS on there and installed SSL via forge to my server and after a refresh it worked for me.

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