67 Replies
what code have you tried ?
i just wahnt the css thing
I know but we can only help if you show the code you have
we will not make eveything for you
see again the channel rules
but showing the code isnt gona help?
it is
and otherwise this link : https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=css%20size%20button
Let Me Google That
For all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question than to google it for themselves.
soo wich one is the one that change the size
bro its just 1 word or 2 cant u just type it?
if we tell you everything you will never learn anything
are u just gona tell me
a good developer can find these basic question for yourself
nope, there are more ways
like waiting 40min
bro i learn coding by memorizing the code
and you could find the answer with google in 2 min
i spent 10min on google and i gave up
that is a dead end. you never will remember all the css commands you need
use the link I gave you
rn am good at html/css from doing this
o wich one of thos

i serhced on google and got the same code
i tryed it and it didint change size
if you were good , you would know the answer
one of them do
i tried them all bruh
first i thought of font-size but didint work
then post your code that you tried, there might be something else wrong with it. setting padding should work just fine
then i thought of display
looks like to me, you are not good at css 😛
can u just tell me the aswer
why not
first obey the rules and maybe we can help you
Like i said several times, you have to do some effort
can u send me the thing to send the code that looks like this ''' to make the code
Jochem have told you several times what you must do to get help and you refuse it
and ```css
i cant find it in my keyboard
wich letter is it?
it's left of the 1 key on the number row of a QWERTY keyboard, called a backtick
DO SOME EFFORT instead of asking eveything
how u whant me to get it without it being in my keyboard ;-;
I personally think you’re being a little bit rude for anyone to help you currently
no one is helping me bruh
what's the HTML look like?

and heres the web
your HTML has
but no class="order"
which you are using as a selector here .order{
You have to send the code in a nice format and explain your problem for us to understand, you can’t come in and expect people to give you the code, it’s difficult to learn like that. It’s all about sharing what you’ve tried and asking questions about what people have helped you with.
its inside a div that have a class
which makes the padding apply to the div, not the button
the div contains the button
wait, the padding isn't in there. I thought you tried setting a padding?
@laith I would say do the css and advanced css course of codeacademy
there is a lot wrong with the css
like what every thing is what i expected
i whanted it liek this?
so you want to make the button bigger, right? You have to write a CSS selector that targets the button, and then apply a property to it
how would you write a CSS selector to target that button?
by the class?
so u wahnt me to give the button a class and thin padding it?
that would work, yes
ill try
alternatively you can use a child selector, so
.order button
would target a button inside of an element with class order
I would very strongly recommend you follow some basic CSS and HTML courses, though. This is a very basic question and we can't teach you CSS from scratch without you putting in effort on your own to learn at least the very basicsExactly that ^, It’s totally good if you’re not really familiar with how these things work, everyone starts somewhere, we all did, that’s why courses and questions exist, to help us learn.
didint work
then share your new code
ill just go serch on google
thx fro the helping tho
Let’s try this, create a new button that looks like this-
And then add some css that looks like like this and see if it makes your button bigger-
@laith Kevin has a playlist of videos for HTML and CSS for complete beginners, I think you might benefit from following along https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4-IK0AVhVjM0xE0K2uZRvsM7LkIhsPT-
HTML & CSS for beginners
An introduction to HTML and CSS for people who are looking to learn how to build a website from scratch. Starting off with HTML and progressing into CSS, I c...
thinks he do not want to learn only spoonfeeded
it's 6 years old now, but the basics haven't really changed
i watched bro code sourse
also his very most recent video is about styling text with CSS from a complete beginner POV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5TYDo9Qcv4
Kevin Powell
Beginner’s guide to styling text with CSS
Get my Essential Font Properties Cheat Sheet for a quick reference to the different properties and values I talk about in this video: https://kevin-powell.ck.page/d3dcf0ac84
When we first start learning about CSS, one of the first things we learn is that we can style our text with properties like font-family and color. Quickly, though, we’re bo...
ok ig this would help ty
and btw jochem the code actully worked i just nede to refresh the page
But do you understand why the code works?
yh i just need to use it a couple times
Alrighty that’s good