Filament11mo ago

Tenancy Create Category

I get this error, I don't really know why...
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4 Replies
anitexs11mo ago
It should automatically bind to orginazation_id under the category but it does not.
Filament11mo ago
We need more information to help you debug your problem. Please click on the top left 'SHARE' button of the error page you're seeing and share the link with us.
anitexs11mo ago
Filament\Resources\Pages\CreateRecord::associateRecordWithTenant(): Return value must be of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, bool returned - The error occurred at http://localhost/app/dwa/categories/create
Aaron Lawrence
Aaron Lawrence11mo ago
Have you configured tenancy correctly? It's getting returned as boolean when it should return a model instance. It is possible due to how you have done your relationship from the User to the Team models. If i had to guess.