Unable to set a default value for \Filament\Forms\Components\Select

I want to select predefined options in my Select component. Looking at the docs, if a Select component has options() set, and a default() state set - it should automatically preselect an option. Unfortunately, the example in the docs does not do anything - the default('draft') method call doesn't do anything in this piece of code:
'draft' => 'Draft',
'reviewing' => 'Reviewing',
'published' => 'Published',
'draft' => 'Draft',
'reviewing' => 'Reviewing',
'published' => 'Published',
I've tried setting default values via the state() method, and a bunch of others. The only working method that actually did anything was the relationship() one. But it queries eloquent for options and selected values. However, mine are static. Am I missing something obvious or doesn't this basic Select component support preselected values? Even basic HTML can do that πŸ€” I was stuck with this in v2 and was hoping for a solution in v3, but nothing has changed. So my question is valid for both.
7 Replies
LeandroFerreiraβ€’2y ago
are you using admin panel? Is it a custom page?
rapolasgruzdysOPβ€’2y ago
I'm using admin panel and it's just a regular page - nothing custom. I haven't even seen any examples online, showing how to preselect options. So it's weird. I have a resource, it has a defined form. In the form, I call Select::make('test')->multiple()->options(['foo' => 'FOO', 'bar' => 'BAR']) So how do I make it preselect foo or bar ? Assuming these options are not from a relationship
LeandroFerreiraβ€’2y ago
->default(['foo', 'bar']) this will work in the Create Page/Action
rapolasgruzdysOPβ€’2y ago
I'll try it on the Create page. I've been using it on the Edit page at the moment and it doesn't work πŸ€” Wow that's so weird, it's indeed working with the Create page. Thanks for the help @leandro_ferreira ! Any idea why it wouldn't work in the Edit page?
awcodesβ€’2y ago
Because in edit the record has already been saved and that default value would have been saved to the record from the create page.
LeandroFerreiraβ€’2y ago
Edit page should get the database values.. if you want to override it you can use afterStateHydrated or formatStateUsing..
rapolasgruzdysOPβ€’2y ago
That makes sense, thank you for your time. Just for context, I'm using the event sourcing architecture so the default CRUD operations don't cut it here, so I was looking to format the state in my own way, instead of overriding the update process in multiple places. I'll try to format the state as you've suggested or override a couple of methods in a worst-case scenario In case anybody encounters a similar situation - I solved this with the formatStateUsing method. Thanks for much for the help again

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