Filamentβ€’11mo ago

Nested resource

Hi! How do you currently solve the problem of nested resources? I have such tables: Orders -> product_sets -> product_set_items Products are managed by relation manager. When I enter an order I can see the products table under the order. However, the product sets have items. When I click on one of the product_set columns, I should be taken to edit product_set_items. Is there an example somewhere where I can preview such a solution? I don't see anything like that in the demo. I saw on roadmap the idea of nested resources. I can't wait, that would be brilliant πŸ™‚
4 Replies
krekasβ€’11mo ago
for now no easy way to do it. maybe creating custom pages
qcolβ€’11mo ago
A modal window with a table of relational records would be ideal, but editing such a record is calling another modal window. The second option is to display a table that will appear in place of the table from which it was called + a "Back" button that returns to the parent table. The latter option is probably easier, so far, however, I don't know how to go about it 😦 Time to delve more into Livewire πŸ™‚
wardβ€’9mo ago
https://laraveldaily.com/post/filament-nested-resources-courses-lessons This seem to fit your situation. As I've been researching, there seems to be no easy way of handling it. Vastly easier to just overwrite queries that lead to records getting created.
krekasβ€’9mo ago
this one for v2 for v3 it migth get realeased tommorow
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