Custom login page interface
How to custom login page Filament v3. such as edit the title.

12 Replies
you can change the language strings, or Override it:
is it possible for me to add new button using <a></a>?
I am still new with filament. I want to customize the login page filament v3 just like in this picture. I already create new Page named Login (php artisan make:filament-page Auth/Login) and modify AdminPanelProvider.php file. (->login(Login::class)) and modify the Login.php file (use Filament\Pages\Auth\Login as AuthLogin; class Login extends AuthLogin
{}). Then idk what should I write in the class. Also, there is a blade file created (\resources\views\filament\pages\auth\login.blade.php) when I create the Login.php Pages. Please give me some tutorial π’

First learn basics. Because what you don't know it's basics. What methods to overwrite you need to check in the base class
yey.. now it is work. but the css for
<a href="#" class="mt-8 my-2 group relative w-full flex justify-center py-2 px-4 border border-transparent text-sm font-medium rounded-md text-black bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-indigo-500"> Email without Password </a>
is not display properly. how to fix it? I already install tailwindcss

This essentially looks exactly like my Login page from #companies v2
This is what it looks like in V3. The glow in the background is gone though.

If you want something similar you can just look at what I have in my package as an example.
Just installing tailwind isn't enough
Thanks for helping guys. π