Railway•11mo ago

Usage estimates

So im trying to make a simple project using a MySQL database and im trying to figure out how much it will cost. I love the simple real-time usage screen thats avalible but dont entirely understand the way it displays data. This is what mine currently looks like and was wondering what the estimated cost refers to, is it per day, month or something else? Im also looking to start running a program on it (a discord bot) probably through a docker image and was wondering how much it would cost to run 24/7? Thanks so much for the help!
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10 Replies
Percy•11mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Denjanzi•11mo ago
Brody•11mo ago
that usage estimation is for the month, but your services would need to be running for about a week to get a good number, but from experience a mysql database would cost approximately 5$ a month at idle, as for the costs of the bot itself, that's a tricky question, it depends on the language, how efficient the code is, what the bot even does, how many users or servers the bot is in, etc etc. so it would be quite hard to give you a number on that, but like I said, run your bot service for a week minimum and you will see a decent estimation number!
Denjanzi•11mo ago
Awesome! thanks so much! For a simple bot do you have any guesses on how much it might cost to run? it wouldnt be in many servers and would be getting maybe an average of 1 command every few minutes or so. and it would be in c# with (i hope) decent optimization If not totally fine! Ill just run it and see what it says! 😄
Brody•11mo ago
for c# I wouldn't even wanna try to guess as I have no experience with that language, but I'm pretty sure my fellow conductor @interstellartaco has experience with c# and could give you a better number, through I'm not sure if he's around at the moment
BrianJM•11mo ago
I don't have direct experience with discord bot, but I believe your MySQL plugin will cost more than your CPU and memory costs of the discord bot.
Brody•11mo ago
they left?
BrianJM•11mo ago
I guess so. I couldn't tag OP.
Brody•11mo ago
oh well
BrianJM•11mo ago
I just realized I misread OP's question. Typically, c# uses less CPU and RAM compared to nodejs.