deploy not building up

tried it already three times now canceled teh ones before at around 5 mins the third is currently at nearly 9 mins project: becf0976-c308-4b5d-80c3-bcbd936b98bb/service/29977ebd-fb22-41f1-a18f-42a9bc52acd5
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31 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: becf0976-c308-4b5d-80c3-bcbd936b98bb,29977ebd-fb22-41f1-a18f-42a9bc52acd5
Brody11mo ago
can you send the build table at the top of the build logs?
started a new try 14 mins ago still building
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the runtime.txt
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the requirements.txt
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for the right context i saw that as i have retried it it has a new project id: becf0976-c308-4b5d-80c3-bcbd936b98bb/service/22aa234e-77a6-4a76-a103-857420d197f6?id=d627fa02-e03b-4ae6-aea1-61370f7f0eaa will not delete this one so that the id stays it just deployed after 19 mins i need to test if all works right with my code quickly it looks like it all works perfectly but saw that i need to change something in my code so i will need to deploy a update for the code a bit later will give a update if it makes problems again but thanks for the quick reply
Brody11mo ago
the order of ids in the url goes project id, service id, deployment id but are you saying the new deployment is also hanging?
The new deployment was hanging until around 20 mins was completly stable until now and just published two updates on it one in a side file and one in the main file and both published and deployed in the usual time of around one and a half minutes in total per update so everything is perfect again thank you for the quick help
I am just seeing that the same problem is again happening just integrated a basic file with two variables in the same project amd its currently at 5 mins since which it is already building I think its still the same problem and it went quick yesterday because i tested a update to a file in the same project but it seems like the pronlem is with new files it takes way to long to build and deploy them
Brody11mo ago
so far you're the only one who has reported any kind of slow downs with the builder have you changed or updated any dependencies since before you opened this thread
Its agakn hanging kn the pandas build Let me send you some screenshots need to start discord on my pc No yesterday i made some changes but that update went quickly this update is jist a new file
its not a big project at all its still a test build for the initial functions so compared to other deploys i made a realy small project but takes way to long dont know why
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Brody11mo ago
you didn't touch anything with the dependencies?
not with the new deploy no this is the new deploy it makes currently a python file with two variables
Brody11mo ago
requirements.txt yesterday
from yesterday
Brody11mo ago
yes and you opened this thread yesterday
are the same hasnt changed and the file has no modules or library it imports or anything i dont know if it helps but its a pro plan server with the 32gb ram and so on over a team account of which i am the owner
Brody11mo ago
try the build in another project?
let me see will create a new github repo with only that new file second
Brody11mo ago
not quite what I said
how do you mean it than
Brody11mo ago
try building that service in another project
so redeploying the whole github repo in a new project right? need to kill the other one before there is a api key in the program which when used twice in the same time flaggs
it build now in the old project i saw but way to long i hope the logs can help you
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just made the other two updates to the needed two files which use the new file and both worked perfectly in between 1 minutes 30 and 2 minutes and also made a new which just has a = "test" in it it also deployed in between 1.30 and 2 minutes its weird why the other times it takes 20 mins nothing realy changed as i created the file there were not even any files using it at that moment
Brody11mo ago
so all is good when deployed into a new project?
no as i said in the moment i wanted to kill the old project to deploy the new project to not go against the tos of the api i use with having the same api key running in two programs at the same time i saw that the new file finally deployed in the old project but it took nearly 900 seconds for the build for a two line python file which is not used in any other part of my files but all deploys after worked again in under 2minutes it makes no sense realy
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