Disable creation of new tenants

Is it possible to disable the creation of new tenants in some way? I want to limit the amount of tenants a user can make
3 Replies
khairulazmi_13mo ago
Hi bro did you find a way to do this ?
jaocero13mo ago
Bumping this as I need also to disable creating tenant if I reach a certain limit
khairulazmi_13mo ago
Thinking to do something like this .. but inside PanelProvider we cant get tenant response ..
->tenant(Team::class, slugAttribute: 'slug')
->when(Filament::getTenant()->count < 3 ? true : false,function ($panel){


->tenant(Team::class, slugAttribute: 'slug')
->when(Filament::getTenant()->count < 3 ? true : false,function ($panel){


'register' => MenuItem::make()->label('Register new gilateam')->visible(fn(): bool => count(Filament::getUserTenants(auth()->user())) <= 2),
'register' => MenuItem::make()->label('Register new gilateam')->visible(fn(): bool => count(Filament::getUserTenants(auth()->user())) <= 2),
I think this will do, what you think @jaocero ?

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