How to block access to certain url if IP address not in list?
Only certain IP addresses should be allowed to visit URLs that start with
I can't find this setting in Cloudflare.
I've tried it with a WAF rule to block when: (http.request.uri contains "" and ip.src ne
where the IP address is just a random ip address. Yet, with this rule in place, I can still visit the url.4 Replies
only covers the path and query string, you can use http.request.full_uri
ref: Erisa, but what I now have seems to always block access. For example, when I use
(http.request.full_uri contains "" and ip.src eq
I still get blocked.Do you have multiple rules?
No, it's my only WAF rule.
I have one redirect rule but that's not even related to this subdomain.
It blocks both with
(http.request.full_uri contains "" and ip.src eq
and (http.request.full_uri contains "" and ip.src ne
The rule now works. It just seemed to have needed some time to be propagated everywhere...