Getting Error 1014 CNAME Cross-User Banned despite only one account
I use CloudFlare for setting DNS of my domain Currently I have 4 A records from @ to GitHub Pages IP address and a TXT for domain verification and MX for email domain. Now I'm trying to set a CNAME record for that points to Notion website (
I bought the domain by NameCheap and on it I didn't set any DNS record. Furthermore, I have only one CloudFlare account. Why am I getting this error?
11 Replies also uses Cloudflare, so the cross-user ban is between your account and Notions
Do they have an official custom domain feature you can use to verify the domain?
No idea... how can I verify this?
The fix for a 1014 is for the target zone (Notion in this case) to create a Custom Hostname on their end. Many services will abstract this to the user as a "custom domain" feature. I've not used Notion with a custom domain before so I don't know if that's something they offer
You could also try unproxying the record pointing to Notion - does it work if you do that?
I suspect it won't, but if it doesn't when unproxied that means it wouldn't have worked if you were not using Cloudflare either
The record in CF is already unproxed
Okay, then yeah
This is a Notion issue
Cloudflare on your zone is not doing anything special there, the error comes from their account
What should they do to solve?
They need to create a Custom Hostname for the domain
If they support custom domains as a feature it might be in their UI somewhere, I'm not familiar with their product
Otherwise, you will have to contact their support and ask them about it
This article can be good?
How to connect Cloudflare domains to Notion websites |
Find out the best answer/method to "How to connect Cloudflare domains to Notion websites". We promise a no-bs approach, with an exact answer and alternatives!
Seems to be related to their product:
Notion Website Builder: Free (Unlimited), Simple, Easy, Fast
The free, simple and fast Notion website maker. Turn your Notion page into a website. We've got an unlimited free plan, so it costs you nothing to try this out! Oh, did we mention it takes about 1 minute to do it...?
And probably
Maybe if I use record A it could work (?)