Stripe Checkout Form Field [ view ] , i have problem with render ViewField blade file

Hi , i want to create stripe checkout form inside and action steps form (Cehchk the gist code please) i already create this : ViewField::make('stripe') ->view('filament.stripe-checkout-form', [ 'client_secret' => $this->client_secret, 'amount' => $this->record->price, 'currency' => config('cashier.currency'), 'name' => $this->record->name, ]), but my problem with render the view inside the actions steps form [ i think the problem with the js code [ in wrong place ]
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4 Replies
krekas2y ago
But what's the problem? What errors you get? Console errors?
elsayed85OP2y ago
how i will pass the $client_secret to the js file ! here : stripe.confirmCardSetup( "{{ $client_secret }}", { payment_method: { card: card, billing_details: {name: $('.card_holder_name').val()} } } ) i need to use it inside blade to pass it i think console dosnt show anything , i think the js code needs to be at the bottom of the layout
cheesegrits2y ago
Yeah, you can't embed forms inside forms. Is this in a panel, or standalone forms?

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